Monday, January 9, 2012

Things I've learned since moving to the city....

Here are just a few things I have learned since moving to Memphis in August in no particular order....

1. Mathiston made Starkville look like a city, but it is in fact not. Memphis is a city. Conversations of where I'm from usually go like this:

"I'm from a tiny town in Mississippi you've probably never heard of called Mathiston."
"No MaTHISton"
"Oh, never heard of it." (I already said that)

2. Great driving skills:

In order to not get your feelings hurt when someone honks at you, just honk back. Seriously. It works.

3. Target's great, but it's not THAT great.

4. Thrift stores ARE great.

5. It seems the goal for some people is to go in every store they like/school their kid attends/sport their child plays and ask if they have a sticker they can put on the back of their car.

6. I am now immune to the sounds of sirens. In Mathiston that's a MOMENT because you likely know where they're going and will hear within a few minutes of what's happened.

"Call Joe and see if he heard on the scanner where the fire trucks are going." Normal post-siren comment in the Hudson household.

7. Sometimes..ok almost always.. Walmart is just not worth the drive. KROGER PLUS CARD MEMBERS UNITE.

So these are just a few of the things I'm learning here. I absolutely LOVE living in Memphis. I am beyond thankful for the community I have here. God has been so great and is constantly showing me his grace and mercy in my life. I do not know how long I will be here, but I already know that this year in Memphis will be monumental in my walk with Christ as I continue to grow in my time here.

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