Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am Casey Anthony.

July 5th. Two thousand and eleven. A date that will live in infamy. Ok, so maybe it wasn't as devestating as Pearl Harbor, but I will remember that date for a very long time. Mainly because of the stark contrast between that day and the day before it. July 4th the mood was: Yay we love America. July 5th. America stinks. This was the day that Casey Anthony was aquitted of murdering her daughter. Now let me just give you a little background and let you know that I began watching the case on Day 6. I watched it every single day that I could. I became very knowlegable in the judicial system. So much so, my mom was convinced that I could be a lawyer from watching the trial (She truly is my biggest fan. She would cheer me on if I told her I wanted to win the Super Bowl in tennis.) I digress. Anyway, as I watched the trial I, like so many other Americans, was sure that Casey Anthony was guilty of killing her daughter. I was not sure that it was pre-meditated and all of that, but she had something to do with her daughter's disappearance and murder. I, in all of my knowledge and education, just knew that she was going to prison for a very long time. She was SO guilty. Then here comes July 5th. I remember watching and waiting for the verdict. I was ridiculously and unexpectedly so nervous. I'm not really sure why. I remember when they said not guilty of 1st degree murder thinking that she had DEFINITELY gotten manslaughter. Wrong. I was so shocked and just really disgusted as I watched her and her team of lawyers overjoyed at the verdict. I honestly could not watch it. I quickly just tried to forget about it, although this was such a huge deal and it was everywhere. I tried to remember that no matter what I thought this was not the most important judgement day of Casey Anthony's life, and no matter what she had done I needed to pray that the Lord would see fit to have mercy on her and open her eyes to His free gift of grace had she not already received it, because if you understand Hell you understand that we all deserve it and that you would wish it on no one. Which leads to my next point.

It wasn't until a few weeks later, that the Lord really showed me something so great and enlightening in my negative thinking about the verdict: I am Casey Anthony. Casey was put on trial for murdering her daughter. I believe that anyone that has watched any bit of it can agree that she had something to do with it. But she was aquitted. She was found not guilty of murdering her daughter and did not have to pay the price for the murder that I assume she did. So here is where I come in. I am guilty. Everyday of my life I am guilty of sinning against a righteous and holy God. But in my case there is PLENTY of evidence to convict me. Yet because I have accepted the gift of God sending his only son to die for MY sin I am counted as not guilty. I get off free. The punishment for my sin has already been paid and I stand forgiven and debt free. And let me just clarify that I had to accept this gift. It is not my default option and it was not enough for me to just have knowledge of the gift. Just as when anyone offers you a gift, it is not yours until you take it. I am sure we have all bought gifts for someone and they ended up just sitting around our house for a long time. We had a gift for that person, but they had not yet received it. In the same way, we must receive the gift that God has offered us through His Son. And that's more than just some bible school prayer or a sobbing walk down the aisle. It is a gift that leads to repentance and a life change. A gift that continues to give and I grow more and more in seeing my previous state as a totally convictable sinner, enemy against God, but was redeemed from punishment by the blood of Christ.

"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew now sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21
