Sunday, June 19, 2011

Getting good!

So this is me getting better at my blog posts! Twice in 1 week. I'll take it. I think my life is getting aquainted to my blog. Now things will happen and I will say to myself "Oh SELF we need to blog about that." It's all about finding that balance between what people really would like to know and what we just all THINK they would like to know. Like that awkward moment when you are in the middle of a long story and realize the person you are telling actually does not want to know the story as much you convinced yourself that he/she did. Not that that's ever happened to me before or anything. Ok it's happened to me more than I'd like to admit.

Anyway, I had the chance this past week to put into practice the lesson learned from a my last major experience with the spider that I blogged about some time ago (If you missed it read here). An opportunity was presented for me to remove some, what I were told were, dead bugs from a bathtub. Dead bugs? I can totally do dead bugs. Welp. I got the dead bugs out. I went back in a few minutes later to use the restroom and here was guessed it... big spider in the tub. Here's how things went down in my brain:

GASSSP. He's huge. Wait. We have supposedly learned a lesson about this already. Ok I will go grab my flip or flop. I don't know which one is which. Wait. I need to wear shoes in case it runs so fast out of the tub and gets on the floor. Because if it touches my foot I will just DIE. I will put on flip and flop and grab another shoe. Ok ready. Return to the bathroom. He's not there. I bet he's behind the door waiting to attack me. Nope not there. Shake the shower curtain. Yelp. There he is. Just do it.

And he died. I will say in his defense that he was not as big as the one from the other story, but he was probably about 2 inches in diameter (including his legs, after all those are the worst things). Think about how NOT scary spiders would be if they didn't have any legs. Yeah too bad they do. Eight of em. Another funny thing is how I was still a little skeptical to pick it up with a piece of toilet paper. It all goes back to irrational fears. Like it's going to resurrect and put itself back together and eat me. Like I said totally irrational. But I will say this time I cut the time it took for me to kill it by a lot! One step in the right direction. I've got more about dealing with fears, but lets not blog about everything at once.

Welp. I have been summoned for jury duty here in Webster County. I will spend my Monday morning giving back to the county that has given me so............. well I don't know about all that. But thanks for letting me live here. I was SUPER excited at first because I have been glued to the Casey Anthony trial, but then I realized that the chances of me getting something as interesting as that are zero to none, one because stuff like that just doesn't happen here in Mayberry, and second because chances are large that I will know whoever it is that's going to court (or at least pretend like I do to get off). It will go like this:

Juror picker: Ms. Hudson, do you know Mr. ______ ? (I'm not sure why it's a man)
Me: Yes sir.
Juror picker: Are you biased?
Me: I'm totally biased.
Juror picker: Will you listen to the evidence from both sides and make a fair assessment?
Me: Probably not.

Honestly, some folks of Webster County have told me that it is not likely that they will even have to go to court so this whole "jury duty" thing will probably be more like a big social gathering for everyone that was summoned. Yay. Can't wait.

So I will definitley keep you posted on how that goes. That's all for now! Ta ta!!

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